Castle Menzies Weem by Aberfeldy Scotland
First vigil Victorian Bedroom. 9pm.
Once the team had settled down, Alex asks any spirit present to make themselves known. Christine senses the presence of a young boy who says his name is George. He is giving Christine two ages. eight years old and nine years old. He is wearing britches and a matching waistcoat. He gives the surname Watson. The boy has black hair. Year of birth 18??. Christine sees the boy clutching arms with a young girl roughly the same height as him. They are dancing in the grounds outside.
The young girl has long hair and has a pale complexion. Christine says they are brother and sister. Jim sees a fountain in the grounds. Alex asks if anyone can pick up when the boy died. Christine picks up the number 18 and says she thinks the boy is mixed up. Jim senses the spirit of a woman who gives the name as Veronique. Jim says she was here in the early 1800s. She has nothing to do with the boy and girl. Christine says the name of the girl is Emilene.
Jim says the surname for the woman sounds like Doucalle and she is lower class royalty. Christine picks up the word Baroness. Lorraine sees a man with bulging eyes. He is quite a chubby man. Christine feels something happened to Emilene. Anne picks up someone fell out of a window in this room. She said it was a female who went out of the window. Anne says the bed is in the wrong place and Jim says he sees the room entirely different.
Christine sees in her mind a woman sitting crying. Alex asks if anyone can pick up how the room was decorated. Christine, Jim and Anne see the room with bare stone walls. Alex asks George when he was born. The year 1704 is picked up by Christine. Alex asks George the year of his death. Billy and Anne picks up the year 1801. Alex asks George if he was almost 100 years old when he died and picks up the age 13 and that George died of illness. Christine picks up T.B.
Paul senses a spirit and gets the name Roberta. Alex asks Roberta to step forward and make herself known to the team. Paul says blood was spilt in this room. Jim says Roberta was a "serving person." Paul agrees she was a servant. Alex asks if this is the person who killed herself in this room. Paul says it does have something to do with her but thinks she had something done do her. Alex asks Paul if he is seeing Roberta in her late teens or early twenties.
Paul gets a pain in his side and Christine picks up Roberta was killed to keep her from talking. Alex asks spirit to copy the noise Paul is going to make if she was killed to keep her quiet about something she witnessed, Paul knocks three times. Three knocks are heard in response. Alex asks spirit what she witnessed. Murder by the master is picked up by several team members. Alex asks spirit to copy the noise Paul makes if this is true. Paul knocks twice. Two knocks are heard.
Paul says he is picking up a guy was fighting with a woman who died as a result and Roberta had to be killed to silence her. Jim sees that Roberta was killed by being stabbed with a knife which is about 12 inches long and tapered down to a sharp point. The knife was black. Alex asks Roberta if she walked in on her master killing his mistress, to copy the noise Paul is going to make. Paul knocks twice. No response. Alex asks Roberta to copy the noise if it is wrong. Two taps are heard.
Alex asks Roberta to copy the noise Paul is going to make if it was the owner of the castle who murdered his mistress. Paul knocks twice. Two knocks are heard but they are about seven seconds apart. Alex asks Roberta to copy the two knocks Paul has just made when she hears the masters name being called out. William is the first name called out. No knocks are heard. Alex feels a huge coldness at the back of his neck. The name Robert is called out. No knocks are heard. James Roberts is called out. No knocks are heard. Alex and Paul both "feel" as if the wardrobe is moving. Christine hears the wardrobe creaking.
Paul picks up the name Henry. Alex asks Henry to copy the two knocks Paul is going to make. No response. Alex asks Roberta to copy the noises Paul is going to make if it was Henry who did the killing. Paul knocks twice and there is an immediate response of two knocks. Scott says his face is roasting. Anne is picking up the word "mad." She does not know why.
Anne and Christine are picking up childrens voices coming from outside the room and Alex says he feels as if the children have their ear to the wall trying to listen to what is going on in the room. Alex says he feels an air of depression suddenly come into the room. Several team members agree. Billy feels he wants to go up to another level. We are already on the top level of the castle.
Nothing further seems to be happening so we decide to have a break. Alex thanks spirit for the communication and closes the vigil.
Second Vigil lookout turrett top floor.
Alex feels as if someone is behind him. He is sitting with his back to the wall and no team member is behind him. Jim sees an aura behind Alex. Anne's stills camera refuses to work in this part of the building. Jim asks any spirit present to make itself known to the team. The team are standing in a cirlce and asks spirit to come in to the centre of the circle. Alex hears footsteps behind him. No further information on this.
Alex picks up the name Farquarson and Paul picks up the name Gordon. Christine gets the impression a man was trying to shake her leg. She describes the man as being tall and thin. Alex agrees with this description. Jim asks if anyone in the team can say how the man is dressed as he is seeing him in a sort of highland dress. Alex picks up the word tweeds and Jim said the mans jacket is a green tweed. Christine says the man is pleased we are here and he has just come to say hello.
There is a breeze going past Alex. Christine says she feels a pressure at her elbows. Alex picks up the name Roger. Alex asks Gordon if he can move the disc which is on the window ledge behind Lorraine. Paul gets the impression there were always three men in here at any one time. Alex asks Paul if he can see this place at the time these men were in it. Paul says he can. Alex then asks Paul if the windows were the same as they are now. Paul is seeing the windows as being smaller than they are now.
Alex asks Paul if these men were the lookouts. Paul picks up the men are expecting something to happen. Jim sees the men sitting on the floor playing cards. Paul says the men are ecxpecting something major to happen and they are on edge. Alex asks if they are on edge because they are expecting an important visitor. Paul is picking up a lot of jovial cameraderie. Alex asks Gordon to copy the noise he is going to make. Alex knocks twice. No apparent response. Alex has the date 1645 stuck in his mind but does not know why.
Paul says people used this as a stop over when they were travelling. He sees what he calls a battalion of soldiers camped out in the grounds. They are not wearing uniforms. Christine says she is picking up on a messenger coming to the castle to tell of the imminent arrival of Queen Mary. Alex asks spirit to copy the noise Paul is going to make if this is correct. Paul knocks twice. No apparent response. Paul hears the word "turncoat." The expression turncoat came about when people of one side decided to change sides and took their coats off, turned them inside out and put them back on again. Paul says there were quite a few turncoats here.
Alex asks the team if they can ask spirit to tell them why Charles Edward Stuart was at the castle. Paul gets the words stop-over. Anne picks up the words "going up north." Alex asks spirit to tell the team how long Prince Charles rested here. Christine picks up four weeks and Anne picks up three days. Alex asks spirit to make a noise if he was here for two days. No apparent response. Charles did in fact rest at the castle for two days while on his way to Culloden.
Jim sees a guy dressed in a kilt who is stomping back and forward telling people what to do. He is a sort of head butler type person.
The team move in to the big room.
The head butler type man Jim sees is quite portly and is moving very fast. Jim sees tables in this large room and the man is telling people how to organise things. Paul picks up a "last supper type thing." Jim says it is the supper before the battle. A goodbye feast. Jim says it is not small tables he sees. It is one long table. Christine sees tapestries hanging on the walls and says there should be a big fireplace in here. Chtistine hears footsteps coming from the top of the room. Whistling is heard by several team members.
Christine sees a man has another man in a headlock. He is dragging the man across the floor. His neck is broken. Christine picks up that a man called Tam has had his neck broken in this room. He was killed by Edward because he was what we would call a spy. Christine picks up the surname Morrison. Tam Morrison. The bats are becoming very active in this room so it is decided to call a halt to the vigil.
The team move to the room where a model of the castle is housed. Christine feels a swirling draught between her and Billy. Billy says it is like someone breathing on him. Christine is getting colder. Billy sees a full figure standing behind Jim. Christine says it is a man who is carrying a walking stick. The man tells Christine his name is Robert. He is pacing the room. The walking stick is black, with a gold coloured round top. He is wearing a jacket, waistcoat and trousers. The man is quite frustrated and tells Christine we should be outside. Christine says the spirit is resident here. Billy picks up the name Maghean and Christine sees the man point his cane right in to Pauls face. The video camera switches itself off at this point.
Alex asks the man how old he is. Christine says 74 years old. He does not know he has died. Whispering is heard and Alex hears water running between Christine and Lorraine. Christine says Robert is going to go around everyone and tap them with his cane stick. Jim says Robert died in his sleep. Alex then asks Robert to go and hit everyone with his stick. No response. Alex asks if Robert is Irish and Jim picks up the year 1874. Paul says their was a precious artifact here at one time. Alex asks spirit what the article was. No response. Claire is now feeling quite cold. Alex asks if Christine sees a man who has no teeth. Christine confirms she does. The man is quite old, has a long chin and protruding cheek bones. No further information on this man.
Alex sees sparkly lights between Paul's feet and says there is children in the room. Christine says Scott's face was changing and just for a few seconds he looked like Scottish poet Robert Burns. Billy picks up the name Margaret and says someone has just prodded him. Alex picks up the name Andrea and feels a coldness around him. Claire says she is now "baltic." (very cold) Alex asks spirit to show themselves in any way they can. No response. Alex and Christine pick up the words "childs play." Jim gets the impression some spirit is trying to whack a dictation machine he has placed in the corner of the room. Jim feels some unseen presence touch his back and has a sharp pain just above his right ear. Alex tells spirit to remove the pain from Jim.
Billy says spirit is scared to move anything in case something falls and hurts a team member. Alex asks spirit to copy the noise Paul is going to make if that is the case. Paul knocks twice and two knocks in response are immediately heard. Alex asks spirit to come closer into the room and copy the noise which Paul is going to make. Paul knocks twice. No apparent response. Christine picks up on the presence of a young girl who gives her name as May. She is playing with Christine's hair and is five years of old. Billy hears the word "mummy."
Alex asks May what her second name was and Christine says May does not know her surname. Alex asks if anyone can hear a lady singing. A noise is heard by several team members but no-one can hear a lady singing. Alex says the lady is downstairs. There is a coldness going round the room and Christine sees a bright light by the room door. Christine says May is playing with something on the floor and also says May is sitting in front of Claire. Alex puts out two balls which make a noise when moved. He asks May to move the balls. Christine says May is listening intently to every word Alex is saying.
Alex tells May the name of everyone in the room and asks her to say hello to everyone. No apparent response. Christine says May is worried she will get into troulble for touching the balls. Alex assures her she will not get into trouble. Christine says there is another woman who has entered the room. The woman has something to do with May. Alex asks May if this is her mummy. The answer no is given. May calls the woman nanny. Jim says the woman is called Isobelle and Alex tells her to give May permission to move the balls. Alex sees a presence behind Jim.
Christine says the woman is trying to get May to leave the room. Alex tells Isobelle she will not take May out of the room unless she wants to go out. May is just ignoring Isobelle. Alex asks spirit to do something we can all see or hear before we leave the room. Christine sees a man fixing his tie and also picks up the name Marie Mckinnis. Despite the name Christine says Marie is English. Christine then says Marie is Irish. Billy almost jumps out of his skin and says some unseen presence has just kicked his foot. Jim says the man who was fixing his tie is called Hamish. No further information on who this is. Nothing else seems to be happening so Alex closes the vigil and the team go for a well earned break.
Castle grounds.
During the breaks, noises are heard in the castle grounds. As you are looking at the front of the castle, the noises would be on the ground to the right. The noises, which were heard by several team members sound like "battle" noises such as angry shouting and sword fights. Alex asks any spirit present to make themselves known in any way they wish. Nothing untoward is happening so the team decide to go back in to the castle.
Back room second floor.
Alex hears whispering, Christine and Billy confirm they can hear it and it seems to be coming from behind them. The ELF meter emits a loud continuous high pitched tone. We have no explanation for this. Paul says there is someone on the stairs behind him. All team members are in front of Paul. The ELF meter goes off again. Alex asks spirit to make Jim's EMF meter go off. No apparent response. Alex gets a pain in his left cheek and Christine has a pain in her left ear. Paul sees a man who is twisting a "scroll of paper." Paul says the man is angry because of what he has read. The man has been double crossed. Jim gets the smell of pipe tobacco go past him. There is a no smoking policy in the castle.
Paul gets the name Linton. Alex asks spirit to tell Paul what it is he is angry about. There is a noise heard by Alex coming from the area where Anne is sitting. Anne says her right side is very very cold and there is a presence sitting beside her. No further information of who or what this presence is. Anne says she is freezing down her right hand side. Alex asks spirit to shout out it's name. No apparent response. Alex tries again. Once again no apparent response. Alex asks Paul if Linton has read an article of a decision the government has made.
Paul is not sure but says Linton is very very angry by what he has read. Jim gets the words "he has just given it away," come into his head. Alex asks if anyone can pick up a date. Anne gets the date 1614. Paul says he can see Linton having words with three other men. He is really getting stuck into them about something. Linton is talking about wanting someone killed. Alex picks up the name John Menzies. Christine says she sees a figure by the fireplace. Jim says the figure in the fireplace is just about the same height as the fireplace.
Paul asks spirit to copy the noise he is going to make and knocks twice. One bang is heard by Alex. Confirmed by Christine. Paul asks spirit for two bangs if it is angry we are here. No apparent response. Alex gets a slight push from spirit. Paul asks spirit to knock twice if it can hear him. There are noises heard from behind Billy and Christine. Anne sees a black orb go right past Paul. Billy can smell oranges and Paul feels a cold spot where he is sitting. Billy sees a "mist" in front of Paul. Anne and Christine hear a woman chatting.
Alex asks spirit to say "hi folks, my name is John." No apparent response. Once again Alex asks spirit to say hi. Christine hears a voice and sees a shadow go past her. Alex is picking up the name Andrew and Christine picks up the name Morag. Alex asks Morag to step forward and show herself to us. Alex is still picking up movement behind Christine and Billy. Christine hears footsteps behind her. Nothing else is being picked up so the team move to another room.
Pink Room.
Alex, Christne and Billy hear talking coming from behind the wall where Paul is sitting. No team member is talking and no-one else is in the building. Alex asks any spirit present to make it's presence known to the team. No apparent response. Jim picks up the presence of a woman who is wearing a black satin dress with red markings on it which cuts off at the shoulder and has no sleeves. Jim also says she has what looks like chop sticks in her hair. This is the 1920s/30s. Jim says the lady is just walking around the room. Her name is Audrey and she is smoking a cigarette which is in a long cigarette holder. Jim gets the impression she is making sure everything is all right before her guests arrive for a ball. Her age is 28/35. The lady is quite slim.
Paul hears noises coming from behind him. This is where the voices were heard earlier. There is nothing behind this wall although there was another wing to the castle at one time which if still there would be behind Paul. Jim calls out and asks spirit to identify itself to the team. No apparent response. Jim says there was a big dining table in this room which could sit about forty people and Christine sees the room as actually being two rooms. Alex asks spirit to tell the team who gave the land the castle is on to the Clan Menzies and why. No apparent response. The land was in fact gifted by Robert the Bruce in recognition for their support. Nothing else is being picked up so Alex closes the vigil.
Glass Divination Experiment
We decided to hold a glass divination experiment in the ????? room.
Anne, Paul, Jim and Lorraine decide to have first go. Paul opens the session. He asks any spirit present to move the glass across the table. Paul asks spirit to move the glass if it would like us to move. There is slight movement. Paul asks again and this time the glass moves right across the table. Paul says we will go but first he would like spirit to answer some questions. Paul asks if spirit was male when in the physical, to move the glass. No apparent response. Paul asks spirit to move the glass if it was female. There is slight movement. He asks again and there is definate movement. Paul asks spirit to move the glass if it is happy we are here. There is definite movement.
Jim asks spirit to move the glass if it understands what he is saying. Alex asks Jim to ask spirit if it understands French. Paul asks and there is definate movement. In French, Jim asks spirit to pull the glass which is on the table. The glass moves. Jim asks if the spirit can understand english. The glass moves. It is established that this is the spirit of Veronique. Paul asks if she lived here. The glass moves. Paul asks if she was happy here. Again the glass moves.
The glass moves in response to a question Alex has silently asked. The question was "is that you who has given me the sore back."? Jim says he also has a sore back and asks Veronique if she was married to the owner of the castle. No response. Jim then asks if she owned the castle. No response. Jim asks if she was suposed to marry the owner of the castle. The glass moves. Jim then asks if she died before she could marry the owner of the castle. The glass moves when Jim asks if John died before she could marry him. The glass moves.
Paul asks spirit to move the glass if there is the spirit of a Menzies in the room with us. No apparent response. Jim asks if there are any spirit children here who want to come and play this game. There is definate movement. Paul asks spirit to move the glass towards him as fast as they can. No apparent response. Jim takes control of the glass and moves it around the table just to show spirit the way he wants them to move the glass.
Jim asks spirit to move the glass really strongly if they want us to stop doing this. There is definate movement. Jim asks spirit if there is a person at the table who they don't really like. The glass shoots towards Jim. Jim asks spirit if it does not like English people, to move the glass. The glass moves strongly around the table. Jim leaves the circle and Billy takes his place. Alex says "you will be giving Jim a complex." The glass moves round the table.
Alex opens the lcd screen of the video cam and asks the team if it is giving off too much light. The glass moves to indicate yes. Paul asks spirit if it was male. No response. He then asks if it was female. No response. Paul asks if spirit is playing games. The glass moves. Alex says that it must be Alexander who is here then. The glass moves. Paul asks Alexander if he is happy we are doing this. the glass moves. Paul asks if Alexander lived at the castle. The glass moves.
Paul asks if Alexander died here. The glass moves. Paul then tries to find out when Alexander lived here. Paul first goes through the centuries. When he says the 16th century, the glass moves. Paul then goes through the decades. the glass moves at 1650. By using the same process, Paul manages to get the year 1653 from Alexander. If this date is correct, it means Alexander was here in the 17th century. Paul asks Alexander if he was fighting with the English at that time. The glass moves. Paul then asks if Alexander thought he had a good chance of winning. The glass moves. He then asks if he and his clansmen sent the English running. No response.
Paul asks if there are any other spirits here with Alexander. No response. Paul asks Alexander if he is pleased we are here. The glass moves. Anne says the room is getting colder. Alex asks Alexander if it is him making the room go colder. The glass moves. Alex asks Paul to ask Alexander if he knows who was late for the battle at Culloden. Before Paul can ask the glass moves. Alex goes though some names. The glass does not move at any time. Paul thanks Alexander for the communication and asks him to go back to his people. The glass moves. Paul then asks Alexander to give the glass one more big shove before we go and asks Alexander if he would like Jim to come back to the table. The glass moves.
Alex says the new custodian could be English. The glass moves very strongly. Alex says it couild be an American. The glass moves. Once again Paul thanks spirit for it's time and asks if we can come back. He also says if we do come back to the castle we would like to see and hear him. The glass moves very prominently around the table. Alexander moves the glass around the table as if to say goodnight to everyone. Alex says he is picking up the name Jessica or Jessie. The glass moves. No further movement is forthcoming so Paul closes the session.
Vigil Kitchen.
Alex asks if any spirit people are present to make their presence known to the team in any way they wish. No apparent response. Apart from hearing distant voices, no activity is recorded on this vigil. As it is now 6am, we decide to close the vigil and go to the private part of the castle. Nothing much is happening here so it is decided to close the investigation. Time 6.30am.
Spirit found :-
George Watson 1704 ?
Emilene Watson 1704 ?
Veronique Ducalle
Tam Morrison
Robert 1874
Nanny Isobelle
Marie Mckinnis
Linton 1614
John Menzies
Audrey 1920s/30s
Alexander 1653
Jessica or Jessie
Although quiet, the castle is definately host to several spirits. Five in paticular are resident. Alexander, George, Emilene, Robert and Linton. Spirit here is quite shy and if permitted, we look forward to our next visit which will help build up a bit more trust between spirit and the team. No movement was recorded on any of the trigger objects set up around the castle.
We would like to say thank you to the Castle curator for allowing us to conduct this investigation at Castle Menzies.
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Copyright-Paranormal Investigation Scotland 2022